Here is a drawing that I wouldn’t sell for a million dollars. Actually, it’s not mine to sell, it belongs to my wife of thirty-four years this July. However, it is very valuable to me because it was the icing on the cake that tilted the balance in my favor.
The benefit of having a touch of art talent came in handy that Christmas, 1981. My lady friend (now wife) and I lived about seven hours apart and I was driving in to spend Christmas with her. I’d bought gifts, but realized the night before I left that I forgot to get her a Christmas card. I sat down and immediately began ink sketching one for her.
I cross-hatch ink drew her likeness from a photograph I had. The art is not that great, and the poem (whew!) is not that great. I can’t say that about the past (almost) thirty-five years, because they have been.
Ah! We artists are romantic. What can I say. I slipped her into the watercolor below (the blond at the extreme left and bottom). I posed for the man reading the newspaper.