Collage: A technique of art production used mostly in visual arts, where the artwork is created from an assemblage of different forms that creates a new whole.
- TIP~Remember, less is more. Use enough material to add interest but not over do it.
(One might feel that Hanna Hoch did not follow this rule in her collage pictured at the left. However, in this instance over doing it was needed to create the chaos which the picture represented. The complete title of the work is: Cut With the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany.)
Gluing pieces of paper, cloth, tissue paper, newsprint, dead leaves, sand, and other items on a hard flat surface can create excitement as the random shapes combine to take form. They can be manipulated into something recognizable or left to create a beautiful abstract.
- TIP~You can use a PVA glue or…
- TIP~Any of the acrylic mediums.
Whatever you use, be sure that everything is stuck on the substrate firmly. You can build up your collage with acrylics or oil (or practically any medium that works for you such as inks or pastels).

- TIP~If you are using colored tissue in your collage, be sure to strengthen the color with washes of inks to prevent fading.
- TIP~Acrylics is an ideal water based media to work with collage.
- Tip~Don’t throw away old brushes. Use and keep them for collage pasting.
- Tip~Be aware of the perishable nature of the items selected for your collage. If it is easily perishable, do not use it.
When working with collage, you may find that it takes you toward a more contemporary and abstract style of painting; do not fear this, rather embrace it. This is great! It can even be magical, exhilarating, and lead you into a direction you never imagined yourself to go. At the time, it might feel unnerving and unpredictable, but it also may wind up to be your best piece of art. Wouldn’t that be exciting.