Sometimes it is the abstract color work. Sometimes it is the realization that it is not abstract but realistic. Sometimes it is expressionistic or impressionistic. Sometimes it is nothing more than colorful patterns that create pleasure to the viewer. Much of the time it is an intentional design of emotion. Whatever it is, an artist’s first mission is to entertain. If this is accomplished, then all is well in art land.
Swan Lake Reflections (left), recently sent to the gallery by artist, Lynn Burton, is a work that we believe anyone can appreciate. The pattern of colors of nature’s foliage and their reflection leading the viewer’s eyes to the lone floating fowl definitely passes the test of entertainment.
Although we have not had a chance to catch up with the artist since the picture arrived, artists her at Art Center Information have had quite a few conversations about it. The consensus is that it had to be a lot of fun painting. Obviously the artist approached the subject with a certain sense of freedom, however fully aware of pattern and design. Most have come to the conclusion that he was listening to music while he was painting. There’s been several guesses as to the type of music to which he was listening. Was it classical? Country? Slow Jazz, or Rock and Roll? We’ll ask him when we see him.