From time to time, Art Center Information prefers to refer our visitors to some selected past blog posts. Since most of our fans are artists or people that are interested in art, our passion is to progress art through awareness. In case you missed these past blog posts, we suggest you check them out. We selected three of our favorites that we feel inform and entertain. Enjoy!

Selection#1: A hard days night in Nuurnberg~This is a hilarious tale by artist Richard D. Burton talking about some problems he had getting a hotel room while in Nuurnberg, Germany. He used his art talent drawing sketchy pictures to score a room for the night, and a bath in the morning. To read the humorous “true story,” click on the sketch at the right>>>

Selection#2: Do you paint the sky first, and then paint the trees over it? Interesting read here with a couple of good tips thrown in to make your landscape more realistic. Click on the painting to the left.<<<

Selection#3: In our article – Why Draw? – we discussed how many artists will say they draw because they can’t help it. Often, throughout the day, they reach for a pencil and a sketch pad to draw that quick moment in time that needs to be recorded in pictorial form. Check it out by clicking on the picture to the right>>>