Art Center Information’s Weekly Review

Art Center Information enjoys selecting a few of our recent past blogs for review. After glancing at the brief posts below, if you feel you are interested in reading further, simply click on the picture next to the entry, and it will take you to the post. We hope you enjoy.

Richard D. Burton: Segment of "Red Truck
Richard D. Burton: Segment of “Red Truck


In the post titled: Art Tips to Improve Confidence, we said: It’s always best for artist to critique their own work and not seek the views of others. When the seek advice, it probably means they’re not sure where the fault lies. There are six important areas that should be considered…. for more, click on thumbnail to the left<<<<

William H. Bonney, aka, Billy the Kid
William H. Bonney, aka, Billy the Kid


The author of this blog wrote in his article titled, Featuring the Southwest: I was born in New Mexico, hardly more than sixty years after sheriff Pat Garrett shot William H. Bonney, aka, Billy the kid, deader’n a door nail. I even knew one person who claimed he knew “the kid”, personally. He was ninety-nine years old when I was…. for more click on photograph>>>>


Preliminary drawing for a watercolor painting
Preliminary drawing for a watercolor painting


In the post article: When drawing people, suggest they are alive, our author said: My art approach is to suggest they are alive. I’ve always tried to draw them with body language that would suggest they could be animated, as if any moment they would change their pose and move. For more information, click on the thumbnail to the left.<<<<


Be sure to check out our Great Opportunities sight at the top, or visit our galleries. Also, be sure to enlist in our newsletter. We will be giving away the beautiful table coffee art book to one of our new members.

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