Art Tips and Blogposts Revisited

Richard D. Burton
Richard D. Burton

We have selected blog posts and art tips that we feel are worthy of a revisit. They have been very popular. If you see an article that you may have missed or like to revisit, the small picture next to the article discussed will redirect you to the post. As you know, here at ART CENTER INFORMATION, we wish to progress art through awareness.

In the art blog post entitled “Leading The Eye With Color and Light”, we wrote: In my paintings, I like to consider the different ways of leading the eye of the viewer with color and light. The unfinished painting shows an example of this.

It shows red umbrellas vanishing in the distance, creating a directional arrow pointing to the main focus of the painting. This, along with the sheen of sunlight reflecting off the top of the character’s heads, helps direct the viewer’s eyes. Almost certainly, color is the most obvious and elusive element of light.

Watercolor in progress (unfinished)
Watercolor in progress (unfinished)

If you would like to read more about this while watching me slowly progress this piece of artwork, visit the blog post by clicking on the thumbnail to the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Here at the art center, we seem to be a little more than just a little obsessed by light and color. In the blog post entitled “Painting the Characteristics of Light”, We said that there is hardly anything in a painting that matters as much as the light that illuminates it.

Lynn Burton: Little Tea Pot
Lynn Burton: Little Tea Pot

Light is the energy that makes things happen, and it affects every portion of the painting process by making things visible and colorful. If an artist thinks of it like a separate tool to work with, they can use it to intensify the subject matter. For more information included in this article, click on the picture of the teapot to the left. <<<<<<<<<<<<

Have you ever wondered how artists find their niche? Here is an excellent article that discusses just that in our blog post entitled “How Artist Find Their Niche”. In the article, we mentioned YOU are the magic. Whatever you do, it will be original. This is true even if all you are thinking of is your next work of art or if your total concentration is on an art career. However, you must first make a determination.

Richard Burton: Segment of "The Old Woodie" Acrylic on Board
Richard Burton: Segment of “The Old Woodie” Acrylic on Board

You must ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?.” their are tips here that challenges you to be your best. How bad do you want it? You will never know until you know exactly what it is that you want. If you haven’t already read the blog post, I invite you to do so by clicking on the painting >>>>>>

Finally, the last suggestion we make is the article entitled “Tips: The Thrill of Experimenting”. What artist does not enjoy the new discoveries when we experiment with medium on substrate? In the blog post we mentioned that of all the thrill of painting, experimenting with your art and talent can create moments of complete recreation that seems more like play than work. Is art work? Of course it is; but no one said you can’t have fun wile you work. Be free! Allow the wind beneath your wings and soar the universe of colors and shapes.

Lynn Burton: The Red Sunset" (oil on canvas)
Lynn Burton: The Red Sunset” (oil on canvas)

There are five great tips in this post. To read the complete article just click on Lynn Burton’s painting on the right>>>

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