It is important for an artist to create a composition that influences the viewer to look at a certain area or image. This area is often called the focal point. When you think about it, properly viewing a good painting is almost like taking a walk into wonderland. It’s a journey, where the viewer finds themselves attracted to a certain area, and then glances all around until ultimately coming back to the focal point. A good artist will plan the journey for the viewer with artistic “weapons” within their arsenal.
I use the word “weapons” to emphasize a point. Admit it, sometimes to put together a really good composition can be described as war. No one will die because of your painting, and few will faint because it is so fabulous. However, the hard work and talent expended will feel stressful, even if it is exciting.
While planning this important area of emphasis, keep these thoughts in mind. (A) Value contrast will always draw the attention of your viewer. (B) Strong contrast with colors, and the proper uses with complements directs the viewer’s eye. (C) Unique uses of shapes and patterns can captivate a viewer. (D) Use smaller brushstrokes and have more of a touch of realism in the focal point of interest. It will always draw attention.
Don’t be afraid to be different. To create an interesting painting, it will take as much planning as it does to have all the art talent in the world. There is an untold amount of talent in the world. There is a much smaller percentage of those that have a plan; call it a plan of attack.