From time to time we at Art Center Information like to direct some of our new readers to different articles that have had a good amount of interest and visits from our friends. These articles may have also been missed by our consistent and faithful followers. This is just a short review of hot topics.
One of the most recent “hot” topic did not deal so much in art as it does my personal life. When my talented artist grand-daughter got married, I posted no less than three blog posts about the wedding. Her other grand-father was the late Texas artist James Frederick. (There have been many posts writing about him on this sight. What an artist he was.)
To read about the wedding, click on the picture below.

When you get to the sight, and have read the post, click on the second chapter posted on the next page. After reading this page, click on the last chapter (the next page).

The blog posted sometime back (that has had hilarious reviews) was discussing a business trip I made many years ago to Germany. The hotels were full and there were no rooms available. However, with my tidbit of art talent, I was able to talk them into finding me a way to get a room for the night. This was with drawing sketches only…not being able to speak the language. Click on the picture to read the article. Anyone will enjoy it.

Click on the picture to the right, and you will be able to read a another short article discussing my private life. It was just after marrying my wife (near 32 years ago), and how an art thief stole one of my favorite watercolors while we were moving to our new home.
Be sure to check out the other pages on this sight: The galleries (top), the Great opportunities page (top). Also, join our newsletter (upper right). If you are interested in reading about copyright for your artwork, check it out on the right hand side of page. I would appreciate you visiting my Facebook art page. Please like it if you do. Feel free to post one of your pieces of art and leave a message on the page. Also, leave a message on this page. We appreciate all conversation (as long as it is clean).