Artist do what an artist has to do to reach their goal as an accepted composition. For example, in my composition of “Trail of Tears/Agonizing Spirit,” I drew several depictions of Indians from top of head to bottom of feet. They were drawn in perspective using the head size of the closest figure on the left, and becoming smaller using the vanishing point above since they were walking down an inclining road.

After I draw each, having decided their head size in perspective, I cut them into paper dolls (head to foot), and arranged them behind each other, and kept arranging and re-arranging until I was satisfied with the composition.

I’m sure that not every artist would go to this type of work to create their piece of art, but would rather just sketch graphite on paper. Whatever works for the individual artist. There are no right or wrongs in my art world…and I did make many loose sketches before getting serious about the work. But before I call it a picture, it must be acceptable to me. After all my name goes on it into perpetuity (That’s a scary thought.).
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Also if you are interested in the artwork of Texas artist, Lynn Burton, you may visit his sight at http://fineartamerica.com/ and typing his name in the search section. An easier way to go to the sight is to simply click on the painting below. Lynn is prolific artist and is not designed by his choice of genre. He paints pictures with compositions of Western, South Western, landscapes, flowers, and he also does murals, such as the one below. http://fineartamerica.com