Who and What Inspired Wassily Kandinsky? Wassily Kandinsky was a brilliant, well educated student of life. In 1896, at the age of 30, he was pursuing a promising career as a law and economics instructor. Fortunately for the world of art and all future artist he made a passionate and major career change at this time of his life. He decided to seek a life of art. Who and what inspired him to make such a drastic change of life? (To review this, click on the picture to the right)

El Greco Famous Artist Techniques: El Greco’s works are painted on a fine canvas and covered with a warm reddish-brown ground. This was common in the second half of the sixteenth century. He used thick oil with the consistency of honey to temper his pigments, applying it with broken strokes using a course hog’s hair brush.
(click on picture to the left to read this very informative article)

It was not Edward Hopper’s “GAS” that inspired me: The images that Hopper painted often evoked uncertainty, which was somewhat mystifying. A sense of loneliness tended to prevail while he depicted deserted small towns, desolate images of urban and suburban areas, railroad tracks leading in or out of an industrial area. If the scene was not totally deserted there was a solitary figure or couple in a cafe, empty office, or hotel room. I have Hopper’s famous painting, Nighthawks, as my computer screen savor. (Great article. Click on picture to read.)

Artist Richard Burton Illustrating a Short Graphic Story: Sometimes an artist decides to step out of their comfort zone to a much more uncomfortable zone. In my case, from fine art drawing and painting to illustration work.
I have finished twenty-three drawings that covers only five pages of a 20 page story, with approximately seventy-five to go. I am in the process of doing graphite drawing works for a narrated short slide graphic story soon to be published. (Click pic)

What Are The Main Parts of a Good Composition: Why do some paintings and drawings seem to work while others do not? It depends on how much an artist puts into the planning stages. When it comes to composition, some artists seem to do things instinctively, almost as if it comes natural. These are usually artists that have spent a good deal of time with palette and brush in hand. When painting or drawing, they naturally think of the main elements of composition: AREA; DEPTH; LINE; and VALUE.
(Click on drawing to the left to read article)
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