Art Tip: Mixing Watercolors

Munsell System: Shown here only for educational purposes
Munsell System: Shown here only for educational purposes

When considering mixing colors using watercolor, there art two different methods to use: (1) mix them in a mixing tray, and (2) use a layering up method by applying one color on top of the other on the paper. When using the layering up method, be sure to let the under-painting to totally dry; otherwise the effect will be disastrous. Also, use transparent watercolor for the top coat.

Remember, if you mix two primary colors, it produces a secondary color, and if you mix three primary colors, it produces a tertiary color. Creating useful highlights are done using the actual paper surface.



No matter the method chosen to work, take the time to try out the color by creating color swatches of the mixture on separate piece of paper of the exact quality intended for use on the painting selected.

Sample of water color mixture
Sample of water color mixture

In the unfinished watercolor to the right, both techniques were used. To get the overall flow of the colors, a mixture of pure colors with a fully watered paper were used as an under-painting. This was intended to give the full painting a harmonious effect. The actual painting is mostly using the second method of layering color on top of color.

The best advise for a wannabe artist is to experiment and come up with the best techniques that work for them. Most all watercolorists use a good combination of both techniques. For example, only until the rest of the painting (at the right) is more complete will there be more layering up of colors to make it more harmonious, even if this means “lightning up” the colors if they are too bold.

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